Non-executive Directors of CTGI Limited Conducted On-site Research in Egypt


From September 22nd to 23rd, non-executive Directors of China Three Gorges International Limited (the “Company”) Mr. Hong Wenhao, Mr. Cheng Yongquan, Mr. Wang Zhengang, Mr. Guan Jielin, and independent non-executive Director Mr. Chau Chi Wai conducted on-site research in Egypt, accompanied by Mr. Zhou Qiang, the Company's Board Secretary and CEO of Asia-Africa Green Energy Investment Limited (“AAGE”).


The aforesaid Directors listened to AAGE’s reports and gained insights into the Company's operations in Middle East and North Africa, followed by a discussion regarding the clean energy market trends in the region. On September 23rd, the Directors conducted on-site visit of Alcazar and Catalyst photovoltaic projects invested by the Company.

The Directors affirmed AAGE's achievements, and emphasized the importance of focusing on the planned development goals, building core capabilities, and exploring markets. The caring of employees was also highly emphasized by the Directors.


This in-depth research taken by non-executive Directors was conducted according to the Annual Research Plan of the Board of Directors, which would enhance corporate governance and facilitate effective decision-making of the Company, to further promote the Company's steady, sustainable and high-quality development.
